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1. Introduction to the Faceless Instagram course


Hey guys and welcome back to the next module in this course. Here we’re going to talk about the different ways that you can make money from each platform. First up is Instagram.

Now each platform allows users to make money in different ways, and here are the 8 best ways to make money on Instagram.

As you may or may not know, Instagram rolled out a compensation scheme called the Reels Play Bonus, this scheme basically paid creators for creating reels, straight from Instagram themselves.

So, they would pay users a sum of money that reflected how well the reels did. So lets say if you consistently posted reels with I dunno, 50,000 views, you could’ve earned thousands of dollars every month straight from Instagram.

Now there is only one caveat with this scheme, and I personally thought it was very unfair. Now why I thought this was unfair is because they only rolled this out to people from the USA and some people from India. So for all of us who don’t live in the USA, we were not getting paid a single cent, whilst some creators in USA were getting thousands of dollars each month. Now however, it looks like Instagram have scrapped this pilot scheme altogether. It was basically just a test to see how they can make paying users work. The official program is on its way, hopefully soon, where everyone can earn through Instagram.

So I thought it would be good, whilst we wait for Instagram to roll out the worldwide scheme, I thought it would be good to show you how you can make money from Instagram in different ways. Now there is not just 1 rule here, people can make money in a million different ways, but I’m going to touch on the most common 8 ways of making money.

By the way, these are also applicable to both TikTok and YouTube too, so I won’t repeat them in the next lectures, but you can definitely use these strategies on those platforms as well.

Ok then, lets get into it. First up is

Sponsored Posts and Brand Collaborations:

What is it: Sponsored posts are basically collaborations with brands who want to promote their products or services on your Instagram to your audience. Essentially, brands will pay you to leverage your influence and credibility to endorse their offerings. Brands may want you to post photos, reviews, stories, or create a reel and post it on your page for your audience to see. Now the rule of thumb here is that the bigger and more loyal your audience, the bigger the pay cheque brands will give you.

Why it's a good way to make money: It allows you to monetize your influence and reach a broader audience. Brands benefit from your authentic connection with your followers, and you, in turn, earn income for promoting products or services you believe in.

How to do it: Build a niche-specific following. Approach brands or use influencer marketing platforms to connect with potential sponsors.

Tips: Disclose sponsored content transparently. Choose brands that resonate with your audience to maintain authenticity.

Ok then, next up we have Affiliate Marketing:

What is it: Affiliate marketing is a performance-based strategy where you promote products or services on your Instagram, and you earn a commission for each sale made through the unique affiliate link you share. It's a partnership between you, and the business selling the product. You make sales for them using your audience on Instagram and they give you a healthy cut of the earnings. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

Why it's a good way to make money: It provides a passive income stream, as you earn commissions for sales generated through your recommendations. It's a low-risk option since you don't need to create or handle the products yourself.

How to do it: Sign up for affiliate programs relevant to your niche. Share your affiliate links in your Instagram bio, captions, or stories. A very popular place to start is Amazon affiliates, they have soooo many different products in pretty much every niche on the planet.

Tips: Be selective with products, ensuring they align with your audience's interests. Disclose your affiliate partnerships to maintain trust.

Next we have Sell Your Own Products (Dropshipping with Shopify):

What is it: Dropshipping with Shopify is an e-commerce model where you create an online store to sell products, but you don't handle the inventory or shipping. Instead, products are shipped directly from the supplier to the customer. This is probably the most common way in the 21st century of making money online and it can be incredibly prosperous if you are successful.

Why it's a good way to make money: It allows you to build a brand and sell products without the logistical challenges of traditional e-commerce. The dropshipping model reduces upfront costs, and Instagram serves as a powerful platform to showcase and sell your products.

How to do it: Research trending products, set up a Shopify store, and integrate it with your Instagram account. Use Instagram posts and stories to drive traffic to your store.

Tips: Optimize your website for a seamless user experience. Leverage Instagram's shopping features for direct product tagging.

Another strategy is to Drive Traffic to Your Website:

What is it: Driving traffic to your website from Instagram involves using the platform to funnel your followers to your external website. This can be a personal blog, an online store, or any site where you monetize through products, services, or ad revenue. It could even be to a YouTube channel if you have one. What you have on your website is obviously up to you.

Why it's a good way to make money: It diversifies your revenue streams and provides more opportunities for monetization. Directing traffic to your website allows for greater control over your brand and the potential to explore various income-generating avenues.

How to do it: Optimize your Instagram bio with a link to your website. Use engaging captions, stories, and posts to encourage followers to visit your site.

Tips: Ensure your website is user-friendly and aligned with your Instagram content. Use analytics to track website traffic from Instagram.

Now, here’s the interesting one – you can Sell Your Instagram Account:

What is it: Selling your Instagram account is the process of transferring ownership of your Instagram profile, including its followers and engagement, to another individual or business. This is typically done when an account has gained substantial popularity in a particular niche. Now with themed accounts like lets say a psychology facts account, this can be a very lucrative way of making money. If you can build up a strong Instagram account from all the content I’ll show you in this course, you can then go ahead and sell this for a huge profit. This is a very common way of making money and many of my students have done this before.

Why it's a good way to make money: It allows you to capitalize on the value you've built within your Instagram account. Businesses or individuals may seek established accounts to instantly access a targeted audience, making it a profitable exit strategy for influencers or creators.

How to do it: Reach out to potential buyers or use platforms that facilitate the sale of social media accounts.

Tips: Clearly present your account statistics, engagement rates, and niche. Ensure a smooth transition for the new account owner and adhere to Instagram's policies regarding account sales.

Next we have: Offer Instagram Marketing Services:

What is it: Offering Instagram marketing services means leveraging your expertise in managing and optimizing Instagram accounts. This could include content creation, strategy development, analytics analysis, and overall social media management for businesses or individuals. If you successfully build a large following on Instagram, you can use all of this knowledge and skills to help other people with their growth and information needs, hey, even use the information you learned in this course to help offer services to other people if you need to.

Why it's a good way to make money: With the increasing importance of social media for businesses, your skills are in high demand. It allows you to turn your knowledge of Instagram into a service, helping others achieve their goals on the platform.

How to do it: Showcase your skills on Instagram, highlighting successful campaigns or transformations. Direct potential clients to your website or portfolio for more information.

Tips: Clearly communicate the value of your services. Use case studies or testimonials to build credibility with potential clients. Engage with your audience to demonstrate your expertise.

Or, you could Create and Sell Digital Products:

What is it: Creating and selling digital products on Instagram means developing and marketing items that can be delivered electronically, such as e-books, online courses, presets, or design templates.

Why it's a good way to make money: Digital products have low distribution costs and can be sold repeatedly. Instagram provides a visual and engaging platform to showcase and market your digital offerings to a global audience.

How to do it: Create high-quality digital products and use Instagram to market them. Use platforms like Gumroad or Teachable to facilitate sales.

Tips: Address a specific pain point within your niche. Offer a glimpse of your digital products through teaser content on Instagram.

Finally, you can Offer Freelance Services:

What it is: Offering freelance services on Instagram means using the platform to showcase your skills in areas like writing, graphic design, social media management, and more. Clients can then hire you for specific projects or ongoing work.

Why it's a good way to make money: It turns your passion and skills into a freelance business. Instagram serves as a portfolio and a marketing tool, allowing you to connect with potential clients and secure freelance opportunities.

How to do it: Create a professional Instagram portfolio. Direct potential clients to your website or portfolio for more information.

Tips: Engage with potential clients through direct messages. Clearly communicate your services, rates, and expertise.

Ok then guys, I hope that was helpful and I hope I was able to shed light on some strategies of earning money through Instagram. I’m excited to see you in the next lecture.

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